

How to take care of yourself during the Flu season?

How to take care of yourself during the Flu season?

Influenza or the flu is caused by the influenza virus and is a highly contagious respiratory illness. It can make people mildly or severely ill, and in some rare cases can cause death. Some people like young children, old people, and people with specific medical conditions are at higher risk. According to the study, flu season usually strikes around July-august with a surge in flu and dengue cases.

Flu germs are anticipated to spread from person to person through droplets produced when the person with flu coughs or sneezes. These droplets are then unconsciously inhaled by the other people nearby.

Symptoms of flu

Common symptoms of the flu are listed below:

Runny nose
Body aches
Sore throat
The symptoms normally subside in about a week with no serious complications in most of the people. In people with weaker immunity, flu can create serious health complications. With the ongoing covid pandemic, this year it is more important to take precautions to prevent the spread of the flu.

Tips to take care during flu season

Last year due to lockdown, cases declined considerably. Unlike last year, flu and dengue cases are rising gradually this year. There is no assured way to preclude the virus but there are certain precautions that can minimize the chance of infection.

Some tips on how to take care of yourself during flu season are listed below:

Wash your hands:The flu virus can stay alive on hard surfaces so maintain a habit of washing hands regularly. Washing hands is especially important before preparing or eating food. If the soap and water are not available nearby, use hand sanitizing gel whenever required.
Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth:We keep on touching our eyes, nose, and mouth intentionally or unintentionally. Try to make a conscious effort not to touch your face. If needed, ensure your hands are clean and germ-free before touching the face.
Get a flu shot:While a flu shot is not a sure shot way to avoid theflu, but it reduces the severity of the flu. Keep in mind that a flu shot takes around two weeks to be effective so ensure a timely flu shot.
Visit the doctor if flu symptoms develop:If you develop the symptoms of flu, don’t delay the visit to your doctor’s office. There is no cure for flu but if you take the medication when flu is in an early stage then it can shorten the duration and reduce the severity of the flu. Hence, low risk of complications.
Boost your immunity:Immune system fights and protects the body from infections. Proper immune system can reduce the risks of illness through viruses and infections. Taking a healthy diet, regular exercise, 7-9 hours of sleep everyday are some of the ways to make your immune system stronger.

It is easy to get sick in the flu season with germs all around us. But if we take proper precautions, it is not that difficult to prevent sickness. You need to take a booster flu shot and visit the doctor as soon as the symptoms appear. With the surge in flu and dengue cases, Health at homes is providing a service called as doctors at home where you can consult the doctor from the comfort of your home.

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